
    Webpack from Kent


    These are all of my egghead.io lessons that are about webpack.

    ECMAScript 6 入门


    ECMAScript 6 入门


    Author:Wes Bos

    A video series for web developers on learning a modern command line workflow with ZSH, Z and related tools.




    Exploring ES6 Classes In AngularJS 1.x

    Author:Michael Bromley

    In this post I will describe a way of using ES6 classes today in your AngularJS 1.x applications. This is intended more as an exploration than a recommendation of best practice. I’ll go into quite some detail about the reasoning and process behind my solution, but if you’d prefer to fast forward to the finale rather than enjoy the adventure, see the last section where I bring it all together, or go directly to the demo app repo.

    Using Angular 1.x With ES6 and Webpack

    Author:Angular Tips

    I know you’re all excited with Angular 2 and ES6, but that doesn’t mean we can’t use ES6 with Angular 1.x.
    Today, I am going to present you my new workflow for Angular 1.x with ES6.

    Writing AngularJS Apps Using ES6

    Author:By Ravi

    As many of you are aware, ECMAScript 6 is in its draft state now and is expected to be finalized some time this year. But it has already caught a lot of attention in the community and browsers have already started implementing it. We also have a number of transpilers like Traceur, 6to5, and many others that convert ES6 code to ES5 compatible code. Community members have started playing around with ES6 and many of them are blogging about what they learn. SitePoint’s JavaScript channel also has a good number of articles describing the different features of ES6.